Wednesday, January 22, 2014


About a year ago, I signed up for my Twitter account.  This was the “new” thing with all my students and I thought I should know about it and how to use it.  I created my account and a page for the school and started following people.  “The easiest way to start contributing on Twitter is to “retweet” (Richardson & Mancabelli p 43).  That’s exactly what I did for a while! I was tweeting more on the school page than I was on my personal page. 


I own my own skincare business so my tweets revolved mainly around Rodan + Fields.  However, this week I set up TweetDeck and have started to tweet more.  I have connected with educators, authors, motivational speakers, etc.  I am posting tweets about skincare, education, educational technology, and positive thoughts. 


I have learned so much about Twitter this week and I am super excited to start building my PLN to share and learn from other educators.

Follow me on Twitter ~ @TamiBobbitt

Richardson, W., & Mancabelli, R. (2011). Personal learning networks: using the power of connections to transform education. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

1 comment:

  1. Tami,

    It seems like you really have a handle on things. I'm still overwhelmed when I go to Twitter. I just added the #MBU543 as a column on my tweetdeck. I think I am going to stick with FB for my personal life and use Twitter for professional purposes. I don't even post often on FB. I learned being teacher that it is almost better to very private with your posts. Good Luck to you and your Tweeting.
