attended the METC14 for the first time as a facilitator. Wow….It was a wonderful learning
opportunity. The keynote speaker, Kevin
Honeycutt, was inspiring and motivating. He captured the audiences’ attention from the
During my facilitator role, I
experienced some of the presenters were glad to have you and others were rude
and made you feel like you were a distraction.
The first session I facilitated
was Distance Learning - Bringing the Outside World into the Classroom. The speakers provided examples on how you can
connect with other classrooms, speakers, etc all around the world. They also discussed how Education Plus can
help you find the resources you need and connect you with them. One presenter explained Google Hangout. It is a lot like Skype, but better. You can connect with up to ten people at a
time. I felt sorry for the presenters
because no one could get their sound to work.
You are at a technology conference and can’t get the technology to work….crazy!
Are You Ready To Have Your Students
Blog? was the second session I facilitated.
The presenter walked the audience through how to set up a blog in your
classroom. His recommendation was to use
Kidblog. He provided the audience with
what has worked and suggestions on things he might do differently.
My final facilitating session was
Motivate Your School with a Morning Broadcast.
This session was awesome! The
presenter shared how she wrote a grant to purchase the equipment needed for
broadcasting. The segments are pre-recorded
and she uses iMovie. The cast made up of
fourth grade students were present and each shared their role. Each student writes their script and must
share it with the teacher prior to taping. The presenter shared a broadcast with the
audience. The students did a fantastic
job with the morning broadcast. This is
definitely something I would like to bring to my school.
It sounds like you enjoyed your day at the #METC14