Friday, August 28, 2015

Technology Tools for Reading and Writing

In today's classrooms, educators face many challenges.  They must adapt to a generation of students who have grown up using the internet.  Missouri Learning Standards state that students must master vital 21st century skills so they will be college and career ready. Students must be able to communicate effectively, collaborate with others, think creatively and critically, and gather, analyze, and synthesize information.  

In the text, "Literacy 2.0. Reading and writing in 21st Century Classrooms." (p. 31- 32) it mentions concept maps also known as "semantic networks" or "graphic organizers." Kidspiration is a concept-mapping applications geared towards elementary grades to strengthen their reading and writing skills.  With Kidspiration, students are able to create, organize and explain ideas and information visually.  Students develop stories by combining pictures, text and audio to develop comprehension and organize ideas.    When I taught technology, I had my student use Kidspiration to create a concept map about them.  They students then used their concept map to draft a story about them.

Another technology tool that I used several times when I taught technology was PowerPoint.  PowerPoint is a high-powered software tool used for presenting information in a dynamic slide show format.  Students created a story, illustrated with both clip art and pictures from the internet, and then published their story.  Sometimes I would give the students a topic to create their story with.  

Anderson, R., & Grant, M. (2008).  Technology to teach literacy: A resource for K-8 teachers (2nd ed.).  Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

1 comment:

  1. Tami, I agree with you that power point is a great tool to use. I love using this tool for presentations for my class, especially explaining verb conjugations and going over pronouns with my beginning levels. I have never used or heard of kidspiration. I would love to see how this works and how this is used in teaching. I thank you for sharing. Have fun with all of the new tools that are available to us to use to inspire our students into higher thinking.
